New Patient Information & Forms

The Brain and Behavior Clinic accepts insurance from Blue Cross / Blue Shield, Aetna, Healthsmart, ValueOptions, and American Behavioral.

We are accepting new patients. Patients must be sixteen (16) years of age or older.

All new patients must fill out or initial all forms in the packet listed below:

New Patient Packet

We use Adobe Acrobat for all of our forms. Get your copy here!

Who we are

Dr. Mathew completed Medical School in India in 1970, followed by Residency training in Psychiatry at the University of Manchester in England and at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Dr. Mathew began his practice in the USA in 1975 and has been involved in patient care, medical research, and academia at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, in Nashville, TN and at Duke University Medical School, in Durham, NC.

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A bit of history

In 2002, he returned to Texas and joined the clinical staff of Texas Tech Medical School. He maintains a private practice in Midland, TX. With over 100 publications in medical journals, presentations at over 100 national and international medical conferences, and has testified in over 80 legal cases both for the prosecution and the defense of psychiatric patients accused of felonies. His work has concentrated on the biology of psychiatric illnesses as well as drug addiction. Dr. Mathew is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.

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Roy J Mathew, MD | Paladin Designs